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From field to floor. This is a handmade Icelandic Felted Sheepskin Rug or The colours are exceptional variations of Gold, fawn, copper, brown, grey and cream The fleece has a particularly long staple length. This rug would make the perfect fireside rug, or draped over the sofa, or perhaps by the bedside. Aproximately 115cm width x 80cm length. The making process uses Organic Olive Oil soap, eco-friendly cleaning solution, hot water, physical strength and a large dose of patience! Since this is a 100% natural product, it's possible there might be some tiny pieces of straw or grass seed left in the coat. Because these are hand made and natural felted fleeces they respond differently to the felting process. Each fleece has it's own individual characteristics in texture, sheen, lock length and density. Some fleeces will also shed more than others, which is normal. Wild Wool is about creating unique, beautiful, lasting rugs from wool harvested locally at the source - My flock, which graze happily on hay meadows and nature reserves. The rugs and felts have an essence of nature about them. They are wild, rugged and yet incredibly soft, warm and durable. They reflect the colours of the Earth in all its diversity and therefore every item is bespoke and individual with no two being the same, focusing on organic and environmentally friendly creation. From the fields, woodlands and meadows my sheep call home, to the floors, chairs and comfort of yours. I help bring the animals in the world, raise and nurture them to live an eco friendly, organic (not certified) high welfare life. They are part of our family and well loved. In return they grow for me wool of outstanding quality. I own a mixed flock of Herdwick, Hebridean and primitive, short tailed Viking sheep - my Icelandic x Shetlands. These sheep come from remote Islands and landscapes where harsh wild conditions are the norm. Where protection is key to their survival. They have evolved to grow wool of double layers, tough fibre and a very long staple length to protect, insulate and survive.The colours come in a multitude of variations, all of which blend into their environment. The mountains, the rocky crags and the wild seas. These traits are all reflected in the rugs and products I make. Bring the wild indoors!
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