So many people are now looking for ways to be self sufficient, self governing, self-reliant. With that change comes the re-emergence of the old ancestral skills needed to be a smallholder, diversify your farm, to live off grid, home school our kids, keep alive traditional crafts, find land to support our dreams and create regenerative farms and communities.
I have been tanning hides traditionally, using all methods of fat, brain, smoke and bark, for nearly 10 years and in that short time the interest and engagement of such an ancient skills has really rocketed. I find this so encouraging, so i wanted to find more ways to help others learn the process of turning raw flesh into soft leather and to keep this craft from dying out.

So many people are looking for ways to be self sufficient, self governing, raise their own food and honour their animals by-products after death. With that change comes the re-emergence of the old ways and skills needed to be self reliant, to live off grid, home school our kids, find land to support our dreams. Clothe our homes and selves but also to create businesses that allow us to live off the land.
Hide tanning used to be big business throughout history but now there are very few tanneries left and any that do still run, have long wait times and are tanned using harsh chemicals. I have been tanning hides for nearly 10 years and in that short time the interest and engagement of such an ancient skills has really rocketed. I find this so encouraging! I teach people how to tan hides, sheepskin, deer and small mammal through workshops and retreats

Maybe you have your own flock of sheep you'd like to start selling the sheepskins from, or you buy in hides and make leather for personal use. The options here cover all bases.
I also cover the step-by-step basics of how to tan hides in my new book THE WILD WOOL SHEPHERDESS so you can embark on the path of ancient discovery from the comfort of your own home.